About Anti Copet
Bagi Anda yang masih khawatir Smartphone Anda dicuri atau dicopet, kini telah hadir aplikasi Anti Copet yang bisa menjawab kekhawatiran Anda. Aplikasi ini mampu mendeteksi kehilangan aplikasi sejak dini, karena aplikasi ini akan mengeluarkan suara/alarm dengan nada yang tinggi ketika smartphone berpindah tangan.
Aplikasi ini bekerja menggunakan 3 sensor yaitu :
1. Proximity, ketika smartphone dalam keadaan tertutup (diletakkan di kantong, di dalam tas) kemudian dikeluarkan maka suara alarm akan berbunyi.
2. Gerak, ketika smartphone berpindah tangan secara tiba-tiba, maka suara alarm akan berbunyi.
3. Charging, ketika smartphone dalam kondisi dicharge (listrik / power bank) kemudian dicabut dari sumber listrik, maka suara alarm akan berbunyi.
Untuk menghentikan suara alarm yang berbunyi, Anda cukup memasukkan PIN yang sudah diset sebelumnya, dan PIN tersebut tentunya hanya Anda yang tahu.
Adapun fitur aplikasi ini antara lain :
1. Mendukung 3 sensor yaitu proximity, gerak dan charging.
2. Tersedia 5 alarm yang siap digunakan.
3. Pengaturan tingkat sensitivitas sensor.
4. Otomatis volume dibuat maksimal walaupun dalam kondisi silent.
Aplikasi Anti Copet ini sangat cocok bagi Anda yang sering bepergian menggunakan transportasi umum seperti KRL, Bis dan lain - lain.
Semoga smartphone Anda aman. For those of you who are still worried about your smartphone is stolen or stolen, has been present application Anti-pickpocket who can answer your concerns. This application is able to detect the loss of the application early, because this application will give voice / alarm with a high tone as smartphones changed hands.
This application works using three sensors, namely:
1. Proximity, when the smartphone is closed (placed in the bag, inside the bag) is then removed then the alarm will sound.
2. The motion, when the smartphone was changing hands all of a sudden, the alarm will sound.
3. Charging, when a smartphone in the charged state (electricity / power bank) then unplugged, then the alarm will sound.
To stop the alarm sound goes off, you can simply enter a PIN that is set beforehand, and the PIN is of course only you know.
As for the features of this application include:
1. Support 3: proximity sensors, motion and charging.
2. There are 5 alarm that is ready for use.
3. Setting the level of sensitivity of the sensor.
4. Automatic volume was made up even in silent conditions.
Anti-pickpocket application is very suitable for those who frequently travel using public transport such as electric train, bus and others - others.
Hopefully your smartphone safe.
by K####:
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