Kamus Kesehatan for Android
Kami menyediakan cukup banyak informasi tentang istilah kesehatan, farmasi, singkatan medis dan kesehatan umum lainnya yang cukup berguna bagi para tenaga kesehatan seperti dokter, bidan, perawat atau pelajar semisal akper atau akademi keperawatan.
Desain dalam aplikasi ini kami sajikan secara mudah dan indah sehingga memudahkan pengguna dapat mencari istilah kamus kesehatan dengan mudah.
Silakan download aplikasi kesehatan ini dan bagikan kepada teman anda.
Support kami dalam pengembangan aplikasi ini lebih lanjut dengan mengirimkan saran atau kritik ke : nurmalabs7@gmail.com
Akhirnya.. selamat mencari dan semoga bermanfaat :)
Medical Dictionary Application is a free search engine to research and learn about medical terminology, pharmaceutical drugs, healthcare equipment, health conditions, medical devices, medical abbreviations, and more. You can browse the list of medical terms or seek medical term. Health dictionary displays information that may be available from one or more than 10,000 dictionaries encyclopedias, research articles and books.We provide quite a lot of information about the term health, pharmaceutical, medical abbreviations and other public health is quite useful for health workers such as doctors, midwives, nurses or students such as Nursing Academy or a college of nursing.
Designs in this application we presented simply and beautifully so as to facilitate a user can search the dictionary term health with ease.
Please download the application's health and share it with your friends.
Support us in further development of this application by sending suggestions or criticisms to: nurmalabs7@gmail.com
Finally .. good looking and hopefully useful :)