About Croatian Bible with Pictures
Biblija sadrži Božji um, stanje čovjeka, put spasenja, sudbina grješnika i sreću vjernika. Njegove doktrine su sveta, njegovi propisi su obvezujući, njegove povijesti su istinite, a njegove odluke su nepromjenjivi. Pročitajte da bude mudar, vjerujem da je to sigurno, i vježbati da bude sveta. Sadrži svjetlo za Vas, hrana za podršku i udobnost za vas razveseliti. To je putnik u karti, putnički štap, pilota kompas, mač vojnikova i kršćanskom čarter. Ovdje Raj je obnovljena, nebo otvoreno, i vrata pakla objavljeni.
1) Stari zavjet
2) Novi zavjet
slika Biblija
Biblija Stihovi temama The Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its provisions are binding, its history is true, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it is safe, and practice it to be holy. Includes light for you, food to support and comfort to cheer you up. This is a passenger in the ticket, the passenger staff, pilots compass, the soldier's sword and the Christian charter. Here paradise is restored, heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed.
1) Old Testament
2) The New Testament
picture Bible
Bible Verses topics