050 plus for Android
I deleted my last neg review because everything seems to be working now.
Even with all volume sliders set to max I can't hear anything during a call, the other side can hear me. WiFi or data are the same. Other VoIP app like Skype and messenger etc are working perfectly on their volume. So useless since I can't hear wat people says.
It's a solid app and does a good job. However, it does not always notify me of incoming calls. I usually find out after the fact when checking the app (when I'm expecting a call but it never arrives). Please, please, please try to get this to work better.
The app has suddenly began crashing every single use, which is 21 times so far this week. Has become unusable, however it it required to use OCN's sim phone service. Please fix asap.
Using the ocn mobile service, the 050 plus service is a big bonus and it came with 050 phone number. The application works wrll and the rates are affordable. It saves me about 80% of my previous contract. Good service.
Does anybody having problem with contact filled with blank data unable to delete ?
Using the ocn mobile service, the 050 plus service is a big bonus and it came with 050 phone number. The application works wrll and the rates are affordable. It saves me about 80% of my previous contract. Good service.
I keep getting a reoccurring missed call notification even though I have logged in and seen/ deleted the message. They keep on popping up again and again it's really annoying please fix this ASAP! Cheers
Does anybody having problem with contact filled with blank data unable to delete ?
Luckily if you need this, you probably don't take very many calls. I'd say quit the app when you absolutely cannot or do not want to take calls. Whenever it's on a charger, it could be on. Its just crazy hard on the battery.
Does anybody having problem with contact filled with blank data unable to delete ?
OCN モバイル ONE で使用。 設定で受話音を最大(+12)にしているが、それでも街中では音が小さく、聞き取れない。 スピーカに切り替えると聞き取れるが、それでは付近の人間に通話を公開していることになる。 実用にほど遠い。
Very laggy; freezes too often. アプリ立ち上げ時に起動停止すること多々。信頼性すこぶる低い。
とても重宝してます。OCNモバイルとの併用で安くなるのも良点。 後はフリーダイヤルへかけるための何らかの対策が出してもらえると最高ですが、なかなか難しいでしょうね。 (050plusだけで過ごした引越シーズンは、非常に苦労しました)
1) Can't make calls directly from the contacts app. 2) Doesn't work with any other app. 3) Often shows red disconnected icon on 3g network. 4) broken in Android lollipop
Great app. Please add an SMS function with a non 050 plus users.
Can be much better, design is not that great
Unsatisfactory.. Most of the time not connected. Cannot receive calls or make calls. It won't work if u are connected to wifi
1) Can't make calls directly from the contacts app. 2) Doesn't work with any other app. 3) Often shows red disconnected icon on 3g network. 4) broken in Android lollipop
Luckily if you need this, you probably don't take very many calls. I'd say quit the app when you absolutely cannot or do not want to take calls. Whenever it's on a charger, it could be on. Its just crazy hard on the battery.
so far so good. but if you have this app set automatic update, it will cut you off while you are on the phone. badly waiting for SMS service!
The service is convenient, but the implementation is not too good: since 4.4.3 the app drains the battery, and the enforced permanent notification is annoying.
【環境】U8150, Android 2.3.7, OCNモバイルone/OCN光 発呼も着呼もできません。しかし、仮パスワードからのSIPアカウントのアクティベートは出来ます。 本アプリで、初期登録を済ませ、CSipSimpleで050plusを使っています。 ショートメッセージの送受信は試していません。
Great app. Please add an SMS function with a non 050 plus users.
1) Can't make calls directly from the contacts app. 2) Doesn't work with any other app. 3) Often shows red disconnected icon on 3g network.
au HTC EVO ISW11HTで1か月使いました。通話音声の品質はスカイプよりひどいです。途中でよく切れるし、遅れもあります。料金が安くなるから。。と我慢して使っているのが現状ですが、そろそろ限界です。5/10のシステムメンテナンスで改善しないのであればすぐに解約するつもりです。サービスのコンセプトはすごくいいと思うので、5/10のメンテに期待してます。 結局、メンテ後も品質向上せず、またアプリから退会手続きしたと思ったもののうまく手続きできてないとかで請求が続き、不愉快でした。
Very very useful for me
This app is so unstable, it's a wonder why they even tried.... most of the time when I get a call the phone just freezes and won't let me answer the call. I have to hold down the power key to force shutdown the phone before I can do anything. I tried using the service with a 3rd party sip app which was much nicer, but the phone calls kept cutting out in the middle of the call, so I had to uninstall.
Realtime chat feature in the new version works. Waiting for avatar feature?
I can chat with my girl friend now. Yay!
by D####:
After Android upgrade to the latest version (N), everybody cannot reach me timely via 050. I have tried configuration change many times but it often stalls and misses incoming calls.