MOOV for Android
The app crashed and exit alot in my Huawei Mate 9 with Android 7.0.1 system.
Can't play downloaded songs even after reinstalling the app
cache album art and playlist?
The widget function for playing music in lock screen is no longer available after update, please fix the problem thanks.
extremely user unfriendly, cannot manage downloaded songs and cannot pass to next song while online streaming
Nice music but too much heat and battery drain.
Lyrics are not showing properly
So many bugs
Should have more Cantonese songs.
It's OK
入左歌去download list 唔識download, 食電, 播歌跳格, interface太亂 user unfriendly, playlist 最多得 100首歌 成日要入去再禁過, 連入app叫人比comment 打完comment 都post 唔到, 都唔知你整個垃圾app黎做乜。 一星都唔值得有既垃圾. Basic function 都做唔好
食電發熱比較其他音樂(joox, Spotify)唔會咁。界面唔user friendly 要分開搜尋歌曲同歌手。 不過有接納用家意見新增左歌詞同步good。希望可以支持sony嘅equalizer
The song always stops playing suddenly, and then stops again when next song is playing. It only happens after the recent update. Need to fix it since people are paying for your service.
Why does your app need access to so much information of user's phone, such as phone book and photos?
The timeline of the track keep at 0:00 even though the song is playing, and once it completed, it will not move to the next track, but the timeline start moving now instead ! Please fix it asap as this is very annoying to manually select another track every time. I am using android 5.1.1
Using on Mate9, Moov consumes 15%battery just hour !
Good, can it work with Gear S3 watch like Spotify does?
Do i have to upgrade to listen to the songs? Whenever I wants to listen to a song, it pops out an ad for me to upgrade this app, and I can't play any song, I might as well find a free app instead.
Download 唔到歌, 歌唔夠update
除左歌庫比其他多, 其他缺點都一樣比人多, 我都係下載來聽嘅, 但有啲歌竟然會跳線, 食電唔駛講, 專輯與專輯間係唔係用"隨便聽", 要迫人搞歌list, download完啲歌又會顯示未download完, 迫人由離線模式開返連線模式先可以聽, , 本來我都對你地個app有期望, 至少我已經俾左1年錢, 但結果係失望, 麻煩真係改善一下個app嘅performance先再講嗰啲運動歌啦
Sound quality is good. Netvigation can be improved.
Easy to use it is great !
High quality flac!
個App好食電 又搞到部機好熱 playlist最多300首歌
我同時有用Spotify, 同比你地個UI, UX design差太遠,人地分門別類,每一個地方既list都可以自己重新根據歌名,歌手,大碟重新排序,用moov就feel到自己download左既歌要揾番真係可以要幾分鐘,完全無諗過用家都喜愛整齊同分門別類,當download到咁上下歌曲數量時你個downloaded list就成個垃圾桶咁,睇都唔想睇佢一眼。我支持本地呀,不過唔該你哋出力d喇,又成日彈app, 用下Spotify desktop+mobile 真係同你差九條街
好多時會冇那那自己 pause. 明明 download 完隻 album 又話未download 完.
我買左gift card充值 明明show出黎話2017年2月先到期 用左1個星期已經係咁send email黎過我得番幾日試用 今日仲要叫我再比錢 唔比冇得用 咩事 香港都學埋呢啲野黎呃人?
Couldn't find all songs of Taylor Swift, thought her album 1989 was left out. So far it's pretty nice experience, thank you for the hard work.
There is ONLY next, but not back to previous song in the short cut menu that appears in phone locked screen .. very inconvenient , pls add back + repeat all + repeat one so that there is no need to unlock phone to do so ..
by N####:
it can't play music with my new mobile samsung c9 system. Please fix this problem asap