About PUFII-流行時尚女裝霸主
屬於PUFII Girl專屬的免費APP
提供SSL 128 bit最高等級安全加密法的線上刷卡服務,隨時隨地網購下單,安心享受最方便零時差的購物體驗。
『PUFII帕妃流行時尚女裝品牌』源起於2003年,提供各族群女性不退流行且可重複穿搭之單品和組合,注重品味及實穿性,不盲目追求馬上退潮流之流行品,提供最IN的實搭流行女裝單品,滿足各種族群女性的不同穿衣需求,建立各種衣著風格的時尚指標,讓所有女性都成為最有魅力的PUFII Girl!
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Downloaded 50,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
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by L####:
Shipping/return details aren't fully explained. I cancelled an order but saw the amount come up on my credit card a few weeks later. Customer service informed me that credit cards are charged immediately after making an order. This info wasn't provided online/in our correspondences when I cancelled. They eventually gave me the order's amount on my Pufii account, but honestly, I feel like I was forced to buy from them. TL; DR don't cancel your orders if using credit cards, you'll still be charged.