A+ Gateway for SMS for Android
There are a lot of SMS Gateways out there, but usually you pay money for every single text sent. myGateway is taking a different approach - you queue your texts by creating a request to our server, and the message will be send from your own phone! If you have a flatrate, you don't pay a single penny for your texts!
myGateway is doing nearly all of the work for you. Do a simple request to our server and the text message will be send, the status of the texts are always available. And you won't even notice it on your phone!
And if you thought this is already it - forget about it! myGateway is secure, fast, configurable, foolproof, compatibel to most of todays devices, well documented and cheap as heck - 0,99 € for six months! That's not only cheap, it's almost a gift!
Try it out today - you can't go anywhere wrong for 0,99 € (approx. 1,15$) !