NAVER Mail for Android
It blocked my account because of "abnormal process or insecure network" . I joined yesterday and had no problems. I need to fix this as soon as possible because I use it for my job and school.
블로그에 야동주소 쓰면 자동 회원정지됨 이메일 카페등 모두 정지 네이버는 뉴스로 pornhub 광고하고 어이없다
Wot a joke learn English u dumarse even your help section isn't in English piss por
구글 픽셀 XL 사용중입니다. 5*2 위젯 설치하고 가로로 볼시에 화면이 깨집니다. 가로위젯 지원예정이신가요?
you have to make a naver account, not possible to login via line. not possible to add other email services. no english support.
wahhh. my account was suspended for an unknown reason. what do i need to do? :(((
I don't really understand what happens but it was alright and even better than Gmail before it said that it was on a suspicious network or something. I have T-Mobile and I live in the US so I'm really confused as to what happened. Hope you can fix this problem.
My account was suspended with the caution of "suspicious network". I'm using Telkom network in Indonesia. How can it be suspicious? I love Naver mail, but if you don't fix this problem I won't use it anymore and 1 star for you. Thanks.
인앱+시스템 설정에서 알림기능 막아 놓아도 아이콘상의 '숫자 알림'은 계속 표기됩니다 (안드로이드만 해당) 공식채널에 상담도 했는데요 빨리 수정해주세요
Hello.. You think? Are you kidding. I have a problem why my email and password is failed?? Because of you?? you think why i'm wrong??
메뉴 아이콘에 안본 메일 숫자 안보이게 하는 기능이 생겼으면 좋겠습니다.
Bagi yang akunnya ke suspend bisa hubungi saya @line: rnldiircky, siapa tau bisa bantu revive akun
Why is my account suspended ?
재가 진짜 느무 초아헤요
I CANT SIGN UP WHY IS THAT? ???? I really want to because kpop is my life. Please do something about this immediately. Thank you!~
한꺼번에 선택해서 읽음표시하기는 어떻게하나요.. 여러개 선택이 안되는듯..
For somereason this update removed copying email (like I was trying copying something to my notes on my phone but cant copy anymore) edit:not sure above was changed but found another problem. i cant open the links that other sends. super annoying. 이메일에 있는 링크가 열라지 안네요
My account was suspended for no reason? I can't recover it either. I really loved this app too.
업데이트 되고 알림이 안 오네요, 아이콘에있는 메일 개수도 업데이트 되지 않고요
Hello, i forgot what name (it seems i didn't put my real name there?) and email i input for naver mail, anything i can do to get my mail back? ;-; thank you
It really works!!I could sign up.It's too easy to use..
Gmail not supported
I love this app. And it works amazing!
Another stinking piece of crap
Where's the sticker????
Difficult for signup. Hard security but short password. My inbox's folder are in korean and I don't understand.
App cannot add more than one naver account at a time
It works great
I've tried 7 times.
Its too easy to accidentally erase mails i want to keep and... my friend logged in with her ID once to check her mails and switched back to my account but since then my phone keeps notifying me whenever my friend has a new mail. Its a bit inconvenient...
Difficult for signup. Hard security but short password. My inbox's folder are in korean and I don't understand.
Sending notification should be pinned while operation is in process. If user tap 'clear' button while sending. mail contains large files will be fail to send.
My account is locked because I've opened my mail from other computer. To recover my account, I have to confirm via mobile. I didn't add my phone number and to recover it I have to have Korean phone number. Now I can't access my account anymore.
Please fix, i cant sign up. Always show up notification " service limited temporary" why ?
I was surprised that this is available in English and that it has so many useful features! I'm highly impressed.
For somereason this update removed copying email (like I was trying copying something to my notes on my phone but cant copy anymore)
I can't sign up
by N####:
I find the app terrible sometimes to use because doesn't let you recover your password at all. It says that it doesn't exist so what in the heck I'm logging into if it doesn't exist. Hopefully you will fix this for international users