MoniPlus DigitalReceipt for Android
Easy to use and one less piece of paper for me to lose. If you want to print it out, open the receipt and take a screenshot; it will be saved to your gallery where you can print it out or Sharon or do whatever you want with it. Don't blame the app because you don't know how to use your phone.
You guys couldn't have thought of that? Don't give me "security" either. Once I've stored the image on my phone I've made my conscious and informed choice!
Ok, wish there was a way to print in case it is needed for legal reasons so I don't have too hand over my phone.
You guys couldn't have thought of that? Don't give me "security" either. Once I've stored the image on my phone I've made my conscious and informed choice!
This is read only. Cannot print or share.
Won't read any qr codes says update. Well, there is no update. Uninstalling.
Keep getting message " if you're sure this is NH's receipt please update and try again" for everything. What's the fix? Moto X 1st gen
The atm in my building now has this feature. It's easy to use and saves time and paper. I'm just a but wary of another app having my debit card info, but so far no problems
Does exactly what it says it's for.
by G####:
Not a bad idea to share ATM transaction details through QR code, but the decision to share that information through images only is baffling. I'd only keep this app long enough to reverse engineer it's data format and introduce it's one useful idea into a more convenient app.