About 集食行樂
『集食行樂』App針對功能做更創新更特別的設計,使手機得以連結 Data Taipei 網站內提供之資料庫:
例如:能讓使用者不只是為了找尋店家而使用此應用程式,更能利用融入生活的功能增加使用次數,提高對此應用程式的依賴度。 "Set food diem" App for doing more innovative features specially designed to link the phone database provided within Data Taipei Website:
Taipei hotel database Taipei Travel Network - Attractions Information, Taipei travel - accommodation information and other activity information, business information, etc., to facilitate, to do gymnastics simple search interface offers users greater Taipei area lodging and travel information.
For example: allow users not only to find the store and use this application to better integrate into the functional use of the frequency of use of living increase and improve the application of this dependence.