About 정은상온
맥아더스쿨은 5060세대를 위한 소비코(소셜 비즈니스 코치) 멘토링을 통해 소상공인, 중견기업, 중소기업, 1인기업, 시니어창업, 청년창업, 학원, 교회, 화가, 가수, 갤러리, 오케스트라, 음식점, 제과점 등 다양한 분야의 소셜 홍보 전문 코치를 양성하는 스쿨입니다. 5060 MacArthur School for three sobiko (social business coach) small business owners through mentoring, mid-sized companies, small businesses, one popular work, senior entrepreneurship, youth entrepreneurship, school, church, painters, artists, galleries, orchestras, restaurants, bakery and various social promotion in the field of school is to train professional coaches.