About Fernanda Abreu Songs Lyrics
The app is a streaming mp3 songs Fernanda Abreu. play the song MP3 with internet connection.
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Best Music of Fernanda Abreu
MP3 Fernanda Abreu
MP3 streaming
On this apps, you can get info wiki Fernanda Abreu biography, Tour Dates, with links to social media singer, Facebook, Twitter, Fan chat, add notes, play music Fernanda Abreu with stream online and lyrics on songs Fernanda Abreu.
Fernanda Abreu feat. Art in Motion
Planet Hemp feat. Fernanda Abreu
Fernanda Sampaio de Lacerda Abreu was born on Rio de Janeiro at September 8, 1961. She was the backing vocal of the band Blitz until 1986. After that, in 1990, she started a solo career singing funk, disco and dance music, achieving great success in her native country.
Setlist Best of Fernanda Abreu Songs :
*Outro Sim
*Rio 40 Graus
*Sou Brasileiro
*Você Pra Mim
*Garota sangue bom
*Jorge da Capadócia
*Saber Chegar
*Um Amor, um Lugar
*Bloco Funk
*Joaninha Dark
*Baile da Pesada
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