Namaz Duaları ve Sureleri for Android
Uygulamamızda duaları okunuşlarıyla beraber dinleyerek öğrenebilirsiniz. Temel dua ve surelerin yer aldığı sesli, ücretsiz, internetsiz, eğitici bir uygulamadır.
Dualar: Sübhâneke,Ettehıyyâtü,Allahümme Salli,Allahümme Bârik,Rabbenâ âtina,Rabbenâğfirli ve Kunut Duâları
Sûreler Fâtiha,Fil,Kureyş,Mâûn,Kevser,Kâfirûn, Nasr,Tebbet,İhlâs,Felâk,Nâs,Yâsîn, Duhân, Asr
Our application to the learning of reading and prayer time in prayer and was developed to help the implementation. These applications read the prayer in the prayer and time required to learn to reach both the Turkish and the Arabic meaning both will have a basic religious knowledge.Applications can learn by listening along with reading our prayers. where the basic voice and prayer time, free of charge, an internet is an educational application.
Prayers: Sübhânek to, Ettehıyyât of Allahumma Salli, Allahumma Barik, the Rabbenâ manufactures, and Kunut Praying for Rabbenâğfirl
Fatiha of surahs, Elephant, Quraish, mahogany, Kawthar, Kâfirûn, Nasir Tebbet, Ihlas, felak, Nas, Ya Sin, Ad-Dukhan, Asr