Namaz Hocası for Android
Uygulama tamamen ücretsizdir ve internet olmadan da çalışabilir.
Kadir Suresi
Humeze Suresi
Asr Suresi gibi bir çok sure okunuşları ve mealleri ile bu uygulamada bulunmaktadır.
Selam ve Dua ile
Wudu, ablution, prayer times, prayer, prayers, congregational and alone, praying, prayer, assuming the wajib for the circumcision, sehiv prostration prayer, distorting hall and prayer tesbihat issues such as containing the application. Visual expression is available.Application is completely free and can also work without the Internet.
Kadir Time
As Sure as the meal with a lot of time reading and this application is located.
With Greetings and Prayers