North West Murcia mappa map for Android
This is the mappa map for The North West of Murcia, Spain. The main towns in the region are Caravaca de la Cruz, Moratalla, Cehegín and Calasparra and are all covered in the free mappa map of this beautiful region.
Caravaca de la Cruz (or more commonly Caravaca) is a beautiful medieval (12th and 13th century) town, with narrow streets and alleys leading towards the castle, built in the 15th century and commissioned by the Knights Templar. Parking is a nightmare, park wherever you can find a space and walk - the mappa map is great for just this scenario!
Calasparra is noted for its excellent rice growing which is due to the proximity of the rivers Segura, Quípar and Argos. It is a medieval town comprising narrow streets. Begastri, The Lost City, is an archaeological site on the hill Cabecico Roenas 3km away.
As you approach Moratalla from the east you will be greeted with a magnificent skyline with the castle, church and sprawling mosaic of rooftops spilling down the mountainside.
Being an ancient town of Arab origin the old quarter is a warren of narrow streets and whitewashed houses with balconies that almost touch, overflowing with flowers. The town is capped by a castle with excellent views to the surrounding countryside and forest. It makes a great base for walking, climbing and cycling.
Top 5 reasons to get your offline mappa map for North West of Murcia:
1. SIMPLE - No geeky features. It’s a map!
2. ENTIRE LOCATION AVAILABLE OFFLINE - download the entire city and POI database to your phone and travel without an Internet connection. You won’t get any nasty roaming charges. Your map will work anywhere.
3. VECTOR DATA - means that you get maximum detail, maximum zoom and maximum coverage with a tiny map file that takes moments to download and uses hardly any space on your phone.
4. POINT OF INTEREST DATABASE BUILT-IN - Search a dozen categories including, restaurants, bars and hotels, also handy places such as hospitals, taxi ranks and public transport stops. We’ve also included a fuzzy partial search for POI and street names to make it fast and easy.
5. EXCELLENT COVERAGE - Maps are the very latest OpenStreetMap with superb coverage and detail. And you will get free updates to the app and map forever as long as we add new versions.
Install your offline mappa map for North West of Murcia now!
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