مواطنة لحقوق الانسان for Android
تعمل المنظمة على عدد من الموضوعات منها :
* القتل خارج إطار القانون
* الإختفاء القسري
* الإعتقال التعسفي
* التعذيب
* المرأة * الطفل
* الإرهاب
* العمال
* اللاجئون
* المهمشون
* المغتربون
* حرية التعبير
* العدالة الإنتقالية
* العدالة الإجرائية * التشريعات
* المدافعون عن حقوق الإنسان
* الإعدام
* النزاعات
National human rights organization, the Yemeni Organization independent concerned to defend and protect human rights, working through investigations and field research to gain access to accurate and objective stories about the facts that fall within its mandate in order to stop human rights violations, detection, support and justice for victims and accountability of those responsible for it and create effective safeguards against replicated in legislation and policies.Organization working on a number of topics including:
* Extrajudicial killings
* Forced Disappearance
* Arbitrary arrest
* Torture
* Women * Child
* Terrorism
* Laborers
* Refugees
* Marginalized
* Overseas
* freedom of expression
* Transitional Justice
* * Procedural justice legislation
* Human rights defenders
* Penalty
* Conflict