About Murottal Quran Abdul Basit
Murottal Quran Abdul Basit
Abdul Basit Quran adalah aplikasi murattal yang berisi kumpulan bacaan Al Quran terutama juz amma dari penghafal quran kelas dunia yaitu Abdul Basit
Kumpulan aplikasi berisi lantunan ayat suci al Quran
Koleksi surat-surat pendek dari surat al Quran juz 30
Aplikasi gratis sebagai sarana belajar al Quran, belajar tajwid, belajar hijaiyah dan belajar iqra
Selain lantunan ayat dari Abdul Basit, dalam aplikasi ini juga terdapat kumpulan surat-surat pendek dari penghafal quran lainnya seperti: Ahmad Saud, Mishary Rashed Alafasy, mam Abdurrahman AsSudais, Imam Maher AlMuaiqli, Imam Sa'd Al Ghamidi, Imam Misyari Rashid, Muhammad Taha Al Junayd, H. Muammar ZA, Abu usamah, Fatih Seferagi,Haafiz, Ustaz Nafis Yaakub, Abduqadir, Sheikh Salman Al-Utaybi, Sharifah Khasif, Ahmad Saud dan Ust Yusuf mansur serta berbagai lantunan alquran dari para hafiz dunia lainya yang suaranya menyentuh kalbu
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Abdul Basit Quran
This app lets you listen and watch to the recitation of Juz Amma, from the Holy Quran by Qari Abdul Basit Abdul Samad just select the surah to listen.
Listen To Quran karim MP3 recited by Abdulbasit Abdulsamad
This App contains the Qur'an Karim by the famous Quran reciter Abdul Basit 'Abd us-Samad
Besides, you will get more from other world reciters such as Ahmad Saud, Mishary Rashed Alafasy, mam Abdurrahman AsSudais, Imam Maher AlMuaiqli, Imam Sa'd Al Ghamidi, Imam Misyari Rashid, Muhammad Taha Al Junayd, H. Muammar ZA, Abu usamah, Fatih Seferagi,Haafiz, Ustaz Nafis Yaakub, Abduqadir, Sheikh Salman Al-Utaybi, Sharifah Khasif, Ahmad Saud dan Ust Yusuf mansur and more Beautiful voice and heart touching Quran Recitation from all across the world
About AbdulBasit AbdulSamad:
Qari ‘Abdul-Basit ‘Abdus-Samad (1927–1988), was a renowned Qari. As such, many modern reciters try to imitate his style. ‘Abdus-Samad was one of the first huffaz to make commercial recordings of his recitations, and the first president of the newly formed Reciters' Union in Egypt.
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Abdul Basit Quran is murattal application that contains a collection of reading the Quran, especially juz amma of Quran memorizers world class Abdul Basit
The suite contains chanting holy verses of Quran
Collection of short letters from the letter of the Quran Juz 30
Free applications as a means of learning the Quran, Tajweed learning, learning and learning hijaiyah iqra
In addition to chant verses from Abdul Basit, in this application there is also a collection of short letters of Quran memorizers such as: Ahmad Saud, Mishary Rashed Alafasy, mam Abdurrahman AsSudais, Maher AlMuaiqli Imam, Imam Sa'd Al Ghamidi, Misyari Imam Rashid, Muhammad Taha Al Junaid, H. Muammar ZA, Abu Usamah, Fatih Seferagi, Haafiz, Ustaz Nafis Yaakub, Abduqadir, Sheikh Salman Al-Utaybi, Sharifah Khasif, Ahmad Saud and Ust Yusuf Mansur as well as a variety of chanting the Quran hafiz of the other world whose voice touched heart
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Abdul Basit Quran
This app lets you listen and watch to the recitation of Juz Amma, from the Holy Quran by Qari Abdul Basit Abdul Samad just select the surah to listen.
Listen To Quran karim MP3 recited by Abdulbasit Abdulsamad
This App contains the Quran Karim by the famous Quran Reciter Abdul Basit 'Abd us-Samad
Besides, you will get more from other world reciters such as Ahmad Saud, Mishary Rashed Alafasy, mam Abdurrahman AsSudais, Maher AlMuaiqli Imam, Imam Sa'd Al Ghamidi, Misyari Imam Rashid, Muhammad Taha Al Junaid, H. Muammar ZA, Abu Usamah , Fatih Seferagi, Haafiz, Ustaz Nafis Yaakub, Abduqadir, Sheikh Salman Al-Utaybi, Sharifah Khasif, Ahmad Saud and Ust Yusuf Mansur and more Beautiful voice and heart touching Quran Recitation from all across the world
About Abdulbasit AbdulSamad:
Qari 'Abdul-Basit' Abdus-Samad (1927-1988), was a renowned Qari. As such, many modern reciters try to imitate his style. 'Abdus-Samad was one of the first huffaz to the make commercial recordings of his recitations, and the first president of the newly formed reciters' Union in Egypt.
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