Suara RT for Android
a. Pengurusan.
Pengurusan surat-menyurat seperti KK, KTP, IMB, NPWP dll
b. Warung RT:
Pesan warung RT mobile, warga dapat langsung memesan Warung RT (Tukang Sayur Mobile).
c. Perlengkapan
Dapat dibantu RT ketika warga membutuhkan perlengkapan seperti Tenda, Kursi, Sound System dan Ambulan dll.
d. Info Broadcast RT
RT dapat memberikan info broadcast kepada seluruh Warga nya dan juga dapat melaporkan kejadian faktual lainnya seperti kebakaran, pencurian, kematian dll.
e. Berita
Berita-berita seputar RT setempat, propinsi dan nasional.
f. Iklan
Terdapat iklan-iklan terkini dan eksklusif yang dibutuhkan Warga dan RT.
a. Handling.
Handling correspondence such as KK, ID cards, IMB, TIN etc.
b. Warung RT:
Message RT mobile stalls, citizens can directly order Warung RT (Plumbers Vegetable Mobile).
c. Equipment
RT can be helped when residents need equipment such as tents, seats, etc. Sound System and Ambulance.
d. RT Broadcast Info
RT can provide broadcast information to all its citizens and also be able to report more factual events such as fire, theft, death etc.
e. News
RT news about local, provincial and national levels.
f. Advertisement
There are ads for the latest and exclusive needed Residents and RT.
Aplikasi RT & Warga
by N####:
Aplikasi yg sangat bermanfaat untuk masyarakat.