About Kitab Rawi Maulid Nabi
RawiDroid adalah sebuah aplikasi kumpulan dari berbagai macam kitab maulid, yang biasa kita baca setiap kali mengadakan ta'lim, maulidan, peringatan isro mi'raj, serta peringatan hari besar islam lainnya. Tentu saja kitab maulid sudah tidak asing lagi bagi kalangan Ahlusunnah Waljama'ah (ASWAJA), kitab ini berisi puji-pujian terhadap Baginda Rosulluloh saw., disamping itu juga kitab ini berisi kisah dari Baginda Nabi Muhammad. Disinilah letaknya keindahan kitab maulid, selain berisi pujian juga mengupas kisah dari Rosul tercinta.
Dan mudah-mudahan akhlaq mulia Sang Pemimpin Umat, mampu menjadikan diri kita sebagai pengikut, serta mencontoh beliau, amin.
Besar harapan semoga kitab maulid ini mampu memberikan manfaat yang luar biasa bagi kita semua, dan meneruskan perjuangan pemimpin kita, yaitu Rosullulah saw., dan tentu saja semoga kita mendapatkan syafaatnya kelak, amin. RawiDroid is a collection of applications from a wide variety of birthday book, which we usually read whenever hold study groups, maulidan, ISRO warning Ascension, as well as other Islamic warnings great day. Of course the book's birthday is not foreign to the Ahlusunnah waljama'ah (ASWAJA), this book contains praises of the Sire Rosulluloh Allah., And also it this book contains the story of King of the Prophet Muhammad. This is where the beauty of the book is located maulid, besides praising explores the story of the beloved Prophet.
And hopefully noble morality The president's people, were able to make ourselves as followers, and imitate him, amen.
Hopefully the birthday book is able to provide tremendous benefit to us all, and continue the struggle our leaders, namely Rosullulah Allah., And of course hopefully we get intercession later, amen.