We Stick Calendar香港人的行事曆 for Android
Loved it
1.每次想delete重複event的其中一日就會delete晒果日起嘅全部日子。2.重複嘅選項只有pre-set嘅少數幾項可揀,如果可以好似Google calendar咁揀每星期的邊幾日重複、自己填每幾多個星期/幾多個月重複一次,咁就perfect啦
好鐘意啲stickers夠多夠地道,可惜connect google既schedule都一定要用個google sticker, 冇得轉,變相唔用返default唔得.... 加油!!!期待improve左之後可以用返地頭app!
Should be able to import other calendar events.
個widget load十世
It didn't even work
Too fansy for me.
lag 機!!!!
I haven't use the apps yet and just installed. No matter what I would like to thanks for the great support from the Westick team. Appreciated. The team spent couple months to fix the apps to work in my "non-mainstream" device. Finally I got the chance to use it. Thanks again.
Handy and easy to use. But should have more variety of sticker.
要快啲update一下,發現奇妙處處通銀卡日子未update, 2015年二月八日官方係取消咗銀卡入場,但貴公司版本依然顯示可入場
its a very nice app ! bug fixed so quickly ! pls keep up the good job;) support
1.每次想delete重複event的其中一日就會delete晒果日起嘅全部日子。2.重複嘅選項只有pre-set嘅少數幾項可揀,如果可以好似Google calendar咁揀每星期的邊幾日重複、自己填每幾多個星期/幾多個月重複一次,咁就perfect啦
聖誕之後就無晒free sticker*而家既free唔多夠用~最好可以有d賺coins買sticker function…佑想bill既泊車*佑想工作既早夜更#屋企狗狗沖涼~車保養//扮靚靚~呢度6款已經成50蚊#真係貪sticker fit香港人先用//30蚊可接受~50就太貴啦#遲下新sticker佑再追//
lag 機!!!!
A nice app with lovely icons.
Very good, love it to fit hk people, but can it sync will Google and can share event with friend by google Acc?
有無paid version 可以remove ads ?
好左d,爽dd,比返多粒星星你,但係真係唔好用,要click 入去先睇到咩野,month view 得個icon, 又唔知係邊個 日曆。。。。用返內置咪仲好。。。而且下面咁大條 banner....Line 賣公仔都唔會整 banner 啦。。。。實在諗唔到點解要用你。。。你地想成功就再度過啦!!
Calendar a bit small. Could have week view. For the rest would recommend. Oh, and maybe add the calendars of community colleges in HKG
can't use fb login
Too fansy for me.
How to uninstall or not downland "Hong Kong festivals" from schedule center?
User friendly n functional
would the developer allow skip import calender or FB event to start this app?
if.we can write, not just pic is better
Downloaded it and tried a minute ago. It made my mobile soooo lag that i cant change the calendar for my events!!! And it made me cant use other apps properly!!! I cant help but to uninstall it immediately!! Can you improve it then I'll come back again cos i really like your app's design and features!!
I think you can add one more new function, which is "copy and paste", coz it isn't convenient for me stick the same stamp in different day. If you can do that, that will be awesome and could be faster to update my schedule.
It will be more user friendly if we can set default in sharing on Facebook or not. Thus, we don't need to cancel every time.
Will be excellent if the guideline at the bottom can be removed in setting. It annoy me. I will definitely buy the stickers or pay for ads removal. Suggest to have more theme too.
It doesnt link with my own calender on the phone and my tablets
by C####: