Screencast Video Recorder

Screencast Video Recorder$3.80

Rated 3.50/5 (4,184) —  Free Android application by Media Solutions

About Screencast Video Recorder

** Root Needed
** Does not work on Galaxy Nexus or Tegra 2/3
** Samsung S3: Set recording mode to "High" in settings
** ICS+ devices: Make sure HW Overlay is disabled and "Force GPU Rendering" is enabled from the device's developer options menu

Screencast captures your phone screen at high frame rates into a high quality MPEG4 video with audio. It can also take snapshots of your screen by holding the search key on your phone.

Support forum:

This program includes a gallery to view, play, rename, delete and share your previously recorded videos or screen shots from within the same user interface.

Please contact the developer if you have question or issues, before rating the app low. The developer cannot help you if you only post a review and do not email for support.
You can also hit "Menu" and select "Report a problem" to get support.

**This app complies with the LGPL as it uses libavcodec by FFMPEG for the encoding process. The sources used are from ffmpeg-0.8 release, and compiled without modification.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Screencast Video Recorder version v3.2a on your Android device!
Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package:, download Screencast Video Recorder.apk

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Android app

App History & Updates

What's Changed
+ Security Patch (Thanks JCase)
+ Option To Disable Shutter Sound
+ Option To Vibrate On Screenshots
+ Fixed Touch Pointer On HTC Phones
+ Fixed Touch Pointer on Bionic
+ Fixed Elusive License Bug
+ Temporarily disabled touch tracking on HTC phones. Fix coming soon.
+ Touch Capture: Screencast now can capture your touch input and overlay a customizable pointer/icon.
+ Option To Hide Recording Notification
+ Nook Tablet Compatibility
+ A Bundle Of Bug Fixes And Tweaks
Price update  Price changed from $3.99 to $3.80.
More downloads  Screencast Video Recorder reached 10 000 - 50 000 downloads
Version update Screencast Video Recorder was updated to version v3.2a
More downloads  Screencast Video Recorder reached 10 000 - 50 000 downloads

What are users saying about Screencast Video Recorder

by F####:

This app can capture games now but if u have to have a samsung product, it works by showing the multitasking button. I use note 2 for this. If MTaskking button is not shown out video capture on games will not work. Doesn't work on 4.3 due to knox

by C####:

Does as it says but lags like to hell for me and I have 2 GB ram and no other apps open except Minecraft pocket edition when recording and even on pocket edition, settings are as low as possible.

by M####:

hey dev. here's a crazy about answering your emails? the dev decided to completely ignore my email regarding my question about tegra and nexus support. that in my book earns you a big ol 1 star. enjoy! don't bother installing this crap.

by M####:

I just wish you guys could have an option to save the recordings to the External Storage other than that it works. And the other thing is the license check.. I bought it but it keeps on verifying it every time I want to record my gameplay.

by M####:

I'm on a Galaxy S III running CM10.1 and this app only records a black screen. I paid for the app, I emailed the developer asking for a solution, but a week later and no reply. I emailed them again asking for a refund, no reply. This is ridiculous. Don't even bother with this app. They don't even reply to emails.

by V####:

I rarely write a review, but this application deserves mention; Works super good on a Motorola Triumph. With the video quality set to "high" and frame rate of 25 FPS, I get a clear video with good audio. This makes it so much easier to post a video and show a developer where a application is having issues. Pro version is definitely worth the cost IMHO. Root your phone and have some fun.

by M####:

this app is good enough to get my work done. but im using nexus 4 and recently updated to 4.2.2. while i read people wrote that screencast doesnt support 4.2.2 and even if support , the video will be blackscreen. So ya , i hope there's an immediate fix for this issue . Nexus 4 4.2.2 :) other than that , no issue. will give 5 star once it have been solved.

by G####:

It used to work but it has not for quite some time. Using Cyanogenmod on a Nexus 4, just a blank screen. HW Overlays and gpu rendering are set as recommended, many people on forum are having same problem - there is no response.

by M####:

Enjoy this a lot, pretty impressive I can do screen captures and recording on my phone like I can with Fraps on pc. I lowered the rating due to lack of updates and support of this app, will bump it back up when it gets updated/improved.

by F####:

Do NOT purchase this app. This is the worst app in store. It does not support games or other heavy recordings. Sometime it records but final video does not play. Hangs very often. I am using it for two days and I was able to record only one video.

by M####:

It doesn't work for my Google Nexus 4, all I get is a black screen no matter what settings I use. I'm also not amused that the developer states the refund policy is 24 hours yet after just twenty minutes testing the app I'm unable to claim a refund. Shall be contacting Google for a refund!

by M####:

Excellent after an hour of playing. It works exactly as you'd expect. You even have the option to add a variety of icons to illustrate where your finger is at any moment! Suggestion: Could we have a timer feature, so that when you hit 'record' it counts down, 3-2-1 and then starts. If this is already there, my apologies! I can't believe there is no video of this in the Play Store!

by M####:

The only issue I have with this app is there needs to be either a key combination or an overlayed button on the screen to begin recording from whichever point you wish to start recording. Right now I have to open the app, pres record, close the app , open whichever game or app I want to record, wait for it to told then go to work. If there was a "hold volume key" or an overlayed record button we could record starting from wherever we want. Other than that it works great. Just could use that issue fized and some type of editing in the app to edit finished videos.

by Q####:

This app doesn't work on the rooted Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 GT i9205. I keep getting "Something is preventing Screencast from running. Please hit the "Report Issue" button below to let the developers know about this". I contacted the developer via email as well as posted in the support forum mentioned in the app description. I provided all the logs to help fix this issue. To date, I have received no response. If developer decides to respond and fix their app I will give 5 stars. This app worked on my Galaxy Note n7000 but not on my Mega 6.3.

by M####:

This app is awesome. Great quality but having alot of trouble with the recordings. The video records flawlessly until I open my App Drawer on my phone. The video then freezes until something opens up and the recording continues. Hope this gets fixed soon! Droid Razr Maxx w/ ICS

by B####:

I really do like this, and I bought this mainly so I could record videos for YouTube, but there are two big issues I have with it. The biggest issue is it will not capture my voice at all. I have checked the box for it, added a mic, used the mix on my device, and yet no matter what I do, it will not record my voice. Another issue I have is the toolbar. Whilst I was searching for other recorders, a lot of them had an option to hide the toolbar whilst recording, and I would love to see that, so I wouldn't have to edit my whole video , once it was finished. Once the changes are made, this would be pretty much perfect, aside from a few fps drops.

by M####:

I think it has been a year since this app stopped working. It worked fine on my Galaxy Note2, but when I upgraded to a Galaxy Note 3, it did not work on it. I have emailed the developer several times over the past year and I have never received a response. I WISH I COULD GET MY MONEY BACK!!!

by M####:

App only worked well on my s2, and files never deleted correctly. I upgraded to the s3. For awhile it didn't work til someone discovered you had to disable hardware overlays for it to work decently. I upgraded to the s4, and this app hasn't worked at all. Nothing but fatal errors and FC's, also all phones were on stock Roms. I went ahead and tried SCR recorder app and it works. No tweaking developer options, hardware overlays, etc. It just works. Potential buyers be careful. Try before u buy this app!

by M####:

Come on Dev's! How long do we wait forTegra 3 compatibility? This app works great on my DHD it had 5 Starts! Now on my transformer Prime and One X+ it just doesn't work at all. Come on Devs upgrade for Tegra 3 much needed here :-)

by M####:

Works great on my korean galaxy s3. I love the option to record audio from the mic. For some reason the demo version did not work for me. I do wish that there were more pointer options though. Like, I would like the option to make the icon linger longer after touching the screen. My benchmark score was 164160

by W####:

It works great and it's perfect but up until today it says I don't have root when I do. I'll gladly email you a screen shot. My su app says it granted screenshot permission but the app won't detect it. Will fix the rating when this issue gets solved.

by M####:

Found the app to be very useful. Worked perfectly on ny thunderbolt but on my new rezound it gets only 18 fps on normal quality. I'm on a custom ics Rom. I'm assuming its more of an issue with beta Rom than the app itself. I recommend this app to all my friends and family.

by L####:

I like this app. It seems pretty stable. It does have a tenancy to ask for superuser permissions even when it has been approved. So I find myself having to open it twice to get it recording through the hot key (ie. Search button hold). I also noticed that the audio skips around and cuts off sometimes if I use the mic plugin. Other than that it's a good app and one of a kind. Once you fix these bugs, I would gladly give 5 stars. Keep up the good work.

by M####:

The app loads then says failed to start. I have sent several emails with no reply. I thought this would be worth the money, but of it doesn't work what good is it? It would be nice if I could get some help. If so I will gladly change my rating. Still have had no response from the dev. At least let me know you don't care or you or working on it.

by M####:

I am very dissatisfied with this app. I have. It been able to use it and I bought it 3 months ago. On the main screen it keeps saying waiting for service. I have sent numerous emails to the developer and the only response I got back was what is my license number. Since then nothing. I was hoping to use this for vacation but now I would just like my money back

by N####:

I was really into useing this app except for the licence checking constantly. I lose connection when im recording so I end up with no recording. Great app when it works. Also records sound amazing. Please fix the licence checking! And I will rate higher. Samsung galaxy note 2. For those having issues with black screen on recording u need to follow authors instructions and change android developer settings.

by M####:

It used to work just fine on my older phone. Recently I got an Evo 4G LTE, it beats the benchmarks of the old phone two-fold yet on actual recording everything is chaos. Choppy slow framerate even though it's set at 30 (chose default as well). Please fix.

by M####:

Looks like I'm out $3! Only records what I'm doing on my home screen. Once you open a phone app it will only record the initial screen and nothing more. I was going to use this to create tutorials for mobile apps but with this app it will not be possible.

by H####:

This was the main reason I rooted my phone lol great work on the app but the video lags when I move fast on whatever I'm recording for example mineceaft pocket editon

by C####:

Doesn't work on my nexus 4 with CM 10.2, please see about finding a fix for this! Everything works except the actual recordings are just black screen with a cursor visible.

by C####:

It only records blackness since a long, long, time. Avoid it (seriously, at this point in time is a ripoff, it doesn't work with any modern device. It's paid abandonware. Do not buy it).

by H####:

Samsung S3. Look around and you will find that this app is a bit gltichy. Even the developer says that it may need tweaking - but no explnation as to what he means. I had it insalled for over a day and it wouldn't work - and then for no reason that I understand, after another re-install, it started working, Once working, the app is really excellent. You can vary the frame rate and get very smooth video. You can configure a mouse pointer which will show your finger movements and your keypresses. You can access the files from directly within the app. It has a widget so that you can start recording without calling up the app - although the widget is bulky and ugly. You can also take still pictures - and even record audio through the mic - although I haven't tried that yet. Rooted Samsung records internal audio so well, that he ought to add that too in a future version. The only thing that lets this app down is sporadic developer support and even on his own website, there are people complaining that they are not well supported. 5 stars for the app. Minus two for lack of support = 3 stars

by H####:

Don't ever buy this stupid app. I have, so sorry, bought it and the worst thing about it is that it needs access to the root of your phone and it always push you to have your wifi or 3g opened. And I think that it may steel files from my phone and upload them somewhere. Uninstall it now and I am so sad for the money I paid for it.

by C####:

Took my payment and never replied to 8 emails. Now the task is to recover my 4.95 Now till the end of Time. My task is before me with a firm heart and an empty wallet. On to Google.

by F####:

I would rate with★★★★☆ because video format still not quiet good for any video maker or editor to recognize it, while you want to try add your video screencast into project, most of it will be failed. But however, this is still good enough for any instant presentation...thanks man >●●

by S####:

Currently won't work on my Galaxy S4 seems to the the same issue with all S4 users, Just a plain black screen being shown on all recordings, Did try the Disable HW overlay and Force GPU render but to no avail...

by C####:

Screen video capture is blank after recording screen. I'm running CM11 on Galaxy S4. Devs need to get an update out to address these problems don't keep taking people's money and then give them crap. Google should have a policy that devs must provide a recent update to there app every six months or it'll get pulled from the market. There are lost of apps that become useless if not updated when Android updates there OS.

by C####:

Used to be the best app on my EVO 4G; but it's broken on my Galaxy S3. When I go to playback what I've recorded, all I get is a black screen. BOGUS!

by C####:

I spent time looking on the web for apk files that would do exactly what this app does. Nothing was as high quality as this app. Worth the price if you post youtube videos. Beware, if you dont have a very powerful phone i suggest you try the trail version first to see how it runs. Also, to note that if you are running an AOKP ROM then the colours are distorted and looks odd. Be great if this could be fixed, hint hint ;) -SGS3

by C####:

Still waiting for service. I want my money back! There's a different program That does the same thing didn't even get the full version and it works! The demo and the full version is crap! Dont waste your money

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