iFilmfest for Android
The app keeps crashing, I can't even open it anymore.
The app didn't even open.. It crashes saying collecting app information ... Pls fix it ... Its a beautiful app...
I have HTC m7 and this app is not working on my phone. Suddenly shut down.
This app need to improve a bit. It must add more film festivals to its list. Some old film festivals are still on the list.
Great tool to stay up to date with film festivals. Saves you hours of research !!
Not working
No festival listings for East Africa? Update please
I couldn't even open the app, it crashed! it would be a great app for indie animators if it worked.
Installed but, Not opening in my phone
You created a movie, but the hardest part is yet to come - scrambling to find appropriate film festivals to submit to. IFilmFest will save you time and money by organizing an up to date list of every possible film festival you qualify for alongside their deadlines and detailed information about the festival in an easily shareable and user friendly format. IFilmFest is a must have for anyone in the film industry looking to save time, organization, and money in the 21st century market. Thank you!
The app is stuck at "Updating festival info". I have tried reinstalling it 4 times, used different broadband connection, used mobile internet but still stuck at updating. I am using Oneplus X.
Every filmmaker should download this app, great for notifying you with approaching film festival deadlines.
Love the alerts!....very easy to navigate!
Its taking forever to start ony device
This is simply a must for any filmmaker.
Stay up to day with film festivals around the world. if you're an independent filmmaker, you must have this one!
A great guide,it helped me quickly manage deadlines of the most important festivals in the US and Europe.
by N####:
The app has such a good idea and for all us filmmakers it could save a load of time, however the app has not opened once since I've downloaded it, as it keeps crashing.