About Easytrack
*Aplicatia poate fi folosita doar alaturi de GPS-ul Easytrack
Stii totul despre masina ta in orice moment!
Solutie completa pentru monitorizarea masinii tale
Poti vedea pozitia masinii tale pe harta, in orice moment. Stii viteza cu care se deplaseaza si directia in care merge. Iar daca ai mai multe masini, le poti localiza pe harta, concomitent.
Poti inregistra simplu si rapid toate cheltuielile pe care le suporti cu masina (sau masinile) - de la viniete si asigurari pana la combustibil si parcari. Astfel vei sti tot timpul care este costul real al masinii sau al flotei tale
Cu ajutorul alertelor, nu vei mai uita niciodata sa faci revizia masinii. Seteaza-ti o singura data alertele de care ai nevoie pentru RCA, viniete sau revizii si vei primi un mail care iti aminteste exact cand trebuie sa te ocupi de ele. Fara griji si fara bataie de cap.
Tine evidenta tuturor vehiculelor din flota pe care o detii. Poti adauga pe platforma de management toate vehiculele tale, chiar si pe cele care nu au GPS, pentru a tine evidenta costurilor si pentru a seta alerte pentru fiecare masina in parte.
Stim ca timpul tau e valoros si vrem sa te ajutam cu raportarea de care ai nevoie. Cu doar cateva clickuri poti obtine ceea ce iti doresti.
Foaie de parcurs
Creeaza-ti, in cateva secunde, un raport detaliat al activitatii masinii tale. Vei sti orele exacte si adresele de plecare si sosire, durata deplasarii, viteza maxima, timpul de stationare si distanta parcursa.
Raport de distante
Acest raport te ajuta sa monitorizezi distantele parcurse de masina sau masinile tale, cu un simplu click.
Raport costuri
Raportul este creat special pentru a-ti oferi suport in gestionarea costurilor generate de fiecare vehicul. Poti selecta perioada dorita pentru vizualizarea costurilor. Util in managementul de flota, pe baza acestui raport vei stii exact ce vehicul inregistreaza cele mai mari costuri.
Raport timp de condus
Cu ajutorul acestui raport vei stii tot timpul cate ore au fost petrecute la volanul fiecarei masini si daca a fost depasita limita legala sau nu.
Claritate crescuta
Pentru fiecare masina inregistrata pe easytrack, poti vedea istoricul traseelor pe harta, cu toate detaliile de care ai nevoie: vieza medie, ora pornirii si ora opririi.
Acuratete imbunatatita
Echipa noastra lucreaza in continuu pentru a aduce un plus de calitate traseelor inregistrate de GPS.
Astfel, vei avea parte de o experienta cum doar easytrack iti poate oferi.
Design modern
"Functionalitati complexe intr-un pachet atragator" - acest moto ne-a motivat sa cream prin easytrack o experienta inegalabila. Te invitam sa incerci noul design al hartilor si sa ne spui parerea ta.
MOBILITATE CARE TINE PASUL CU TINE: Acelasi dispozitiv, mai multe beneficii
Smart management pentru mai multe masini
Poti muta usor GPS-ul de pe un vehicul pe altul, fie ca vrei sa monitorizezi o alta masina, fie ca vrei sa il imprumuti unui prieten pentru o perioada. Lucram activ la imbunatatirea mobilitatii pe care ti-o oferim astfel si te vom intampina cu noi posibilitati in curand.
EasyTrack pe web sau pe smartphone
Poti folosi EasyTrack in varianta web, sau iti poti descarca aplicatia pentru Android sau iOS. Indiferent de varianta aleasa, vei avea parte de aceeasi interfata prietenoasa, usor de folosit, creata special pentru a veni in intampinarea nevoilor tale de monitorizare. * The application can only be used with GPS easyTrack
You know everything about your car at any time!
Complete solution for monitoring your car
You can see your car position on the map at any time. You know how fast moving and in which direction it goes. And if you have multiple machines, you can locate on the map simultaneously.
Keep track COSTS
You can easily and quickly record all expenses they incur by car (or cars) - from vignettes and insurance to fuel and parking. So you'll always know which is the real cost of your car or fleet
Using alerts, you will not forget to do overhaul car. Set your alerts once you need to RCA, stickers and revisions and you'll receive an email that reminds you exactly when you have to deal with them. Carefree and without hassle.
Keep track of all vehicles in the fleet that you own. You can add to your management platform all vehicles, even those who do not have GPS, to keep track of costs and to set alerts for each machine.
ADVANCED REPORTING done to stop wasting your time
We know your time is valuable and we want to help you by reporting you need. With a few clicks you can get what you want.
Create your own in seconds, a detailed report of the activity of your car. You exact times and addresses of departure and destination, travel time, speed, residence time and distance.
Report distances
This report helps you monitor distances traveled by car or your cars with a simple click.
Total costs
The report is specifically designed to give you support in managing the cost of each vehicle. You can select desired viewing period of costs. Useful in fleet management, based on this report, you will know exactly what vehicle registered the highest costs.
Total driving time
With this report you will always know how many hours were spent behind the wheel of each car and if the legal limit has been exceeded or not.
increased clarity
For every car registered on easyTRACK, view routes on the map history, with all the details you need: live for average start time and stop time.
improved accuracy
Our team works continuously to bring more quality tracks recorded by GPS.
Thus, you will have an experience just how easyTRACK can offer.
modern design
"Functionalities complex in an attractive package" - this motto has motivated us to create an experience unmatched by easyTRACK. We invite you to try the new design of the maps and tell us your opinion.
MOBILITY WITH YOU THAT YOU STEP: The same device, the more benefits
Smart management for more cars
You can easily move the GPS on a vehicle to another, or you want to monitor another car, or you want to lend it to a friend for a while. We are actively working to improve the mobility that we offer you so and we will soon meet with new possibilities.
EasyTrack on the web or smartphone
You can use easyTrack web version, or you can download the app for Android or iOS. Whichever you choose, you will have the same user-friendly interface, easy to use, designed specifically to meet your needs monitoring.