Modul GP Biologi SMA KK-C for Android
Saat ini sudah ada modul resmi yang dirilis Kemdikbud dalam rangka pelatihan guru pembelajar.Proses Guru pembelajar saat ini sedang dalam pelatihan para instruktur Nasional dan Narasumber Nasional yang nantinya akan melatih guru guru di daerah dalam program guru pembelajar tersebut.
Sejalan dengan Program Guru Pembelajar, pemetaan kompetensi baik Kompetensi Pedagogik maupun Kompetensi Profesional sangat dibutuhkan bagi Guru. Informasi tentang peta kompetensi tersebut diwujudkan, salah satunya dalam Modul Pelatihan Guru Pembelajar dari berbagai mata pelajaran.
Bagi anda yang butuh Modul Guru Pembelajaran bisa disimak di Info Guru Pembelajar dan nantikan update selanjutnya
Biology Teacher Module Learner Competence Group C - What is the teacher learner? The program was developed by the post UKG 2015 Kemdikbud ago. The goal is to improve the competency of teachers. This means that teachers were told they learn to improve their competence through training either in-person or online.There is now officially released Kemdikbud module in order pembelajar.Proses teacher training Teachers learners currently in training of national instructors and national resource persons who will train the teachers of teachers in the program the learner teacher.
In line with the Learner Teacher Program, competency mapping both Pedagogic Competence and professional competence is necessary for teachers. Information on the competence map is realized, one of them in the Learner Teacher Training Modules of various subjects.
For those of you who need a Teacher Learning Modules can be listened in Learner Teacher Info and look forward to the next update