New Fathers 4 Justice for Android
We use direct action and protests to highlight the injustice fathers face in the present family court system.
New Fathers 4 Justice is not affiliated with Fathers 4 Justice (F4J) UK or its founder Matt O’Connor. We formed in 2008 and still use Superhero costumes in our direct action protests.
New Fathers 4 Justice – What do we want? We want:
We want nothing less than a legal presumption of equal contact contact for a child with their parents if they split up, and the abolition of the deeply controversial, undemocratic secret court system that still exists within the ‘family’ division despite forty years of inequality and protest.
1. Equal Contact - An automatic presumption of equal contact with the children when the parents split as a starting point. This will give both parents equal parity of rights to see the children. In short, we want dads to have an equal status….same as Mum!!
2. Open Courts - To be brought into line with the crown and magistrates courts. This will prevent corruption, bias and implement a culture of accountability with the judiciary.The time is right and the time has come now for every dad to get motivated and protest against the injustices of the secret Family Courts and bias in the Family law system. We must all be prepared to commit to campaigning but for the benefit of all children, parents and grandparents.