Como Captar Socios for Android
Es una profesión en la que el objetivo es presentar un producto a una persona, generalmente en la calle y que no conoces, para tratar de convencerla de sus ventajas y que se interese por el producto hasta el punto de querer adquirirlo.
Generalmente se realiza en la calle o centros comerciales, aunque no está exclusivamente cerrada a este ámbito.
Membership recruitment is a difficult but important profession. It requires months or even years of practice, but this App I will try to explain tips and techniques suitable to be a good gauge of partners.It is a profession in which the objective is to present a product to a person, usually on the street and you do not know, to try to convince its advantages and that the product is interested to the point of wanting to acquire it.
Usually done on the street or shopping malls, but is not limited to this area closed.