Poker novosti for Android
U rubrici forumi nalaze se najbolji forumu sa balkana u kojima će te moći izraziti svoja mišljenja o poker rukama, aktualnim događajima i diskutirati te naučiti i poboljšati svoju igru.
Za poboljšanje vlastite igre postoji rubrika o strategiji u pokeru pa ju svakako pročitajte.
Za sva pitanja, preporuke i ostalo što vas zanima kliknite na kontakt i pošaljite poruku.
Poker News is a mobile application through which you will be able to read the news from the poker world on the go, waiting for the bus or waiting for someone.Under the heading forums are the best forum with the Balkans in which you will be able to express their opinions about poker hands, current events and discuss and learn and improve their game.
To improve your game there are sections on strategy in poker, so be sure to read it.
For any questions, recommendations, etc. that interests you, click on the contact and send a message.