Ejercicio de la procuraduría y su puesta a disposición tanto de los profesionales de la justicia como a clientes y representados en la tramitación de asuntos y expedientes judiciales, gestión y seguimiento de los mismos así como impulso procesal, tramitación y diligenciado de exhortos, oficios y mandamientos con la máxima celeridad, eficacia, disciplina y profesionalidad.
Exercise of the attorney's office and his putting to disposition so much of the professionals of the justice as to clients and represented in the processing of matters and judicial processes, management and follow-up of the same ones as well as procedural impulse, processing and dealed of exhortos, trades and orders with the maximum speed,efficiency, discipline and professionalism. Exercise of attorney and making them available to both legal practitioners and clients and represented in the transaction of business and court records, management and monitoring of the same procedural and pulse processing and filled with exhortations, trades and commandments with maximum speed, efficiency, discipline and professionalism.
Exercise of the attorney's office and his putting to disposition so much of the professionals of the justice as to clients and Represented in the processing of matters and Judicial Processes, management and follow-up of the same ones as well as procedural impulse, processing and dealed of rogatory, trades and orders With the maximum speed, efficiency, discipline and professionalism.