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: 슬라이드 메뉴를 통해 원하는 메뉴로 이동하고, 고추장민속마을앱으로 바로 가기가 가능합니다.
5) 정보 알림서비스 제공
: 실시간으로 전해드리는 알림서비스, 다양한 축제 및 순창 소식을 알람으로 받을 수 있습니다.
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카카오톡, 문자로 원하는 콘텐츠를 친구, 가족, 지인분들에게 공유해보세요.
7) 모바일웹도 제공
: 모바일,PC 어디서든 연동되는 모바일웹 제공, 북마크나 홈화면 추가로 간편하게 저장할 수 있습니다.
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Doi will invite you into.
The history of the blessed natural environment, culture and sauces living breathing trouble Doi!
10 Doi landscaping, various festivals news, Accommodations, etc.
The entire different culture and tourism news.
1) provides a variety of tourist content
: Attractions, restaurants, and everything contained in such Doi tourist lodgings.
2) tickets to gift features
: Tickets can be purchased gifts for family and friends.
3) smart mobile search
: By separating the information and shopping will search for content that's right for me.
4) Quick Menu switch
: Move to the desired menu using the slide menu, and red pepper paste with folk village apps available shortcuts.
5) Info service
: Notification that brings real-time services, you can get a variety of festivals and Doi news with alarm.
6) provides shared features
KakaoTalk, share it with your preferred text content to your friends, family, acquaintances travelers.
7) Mobile Web also provides
: Mobile, PC anywhere that mobile web works provides, you can easily save as a bookmark, or home screen added.
Doi / pepper paste / Festival / Sauce / Sunchang hot pepper paste / red pepper paste folk village / town folk / trip
by Y####:
순창내2회 고향