About ادعية رمضان 2016
شهر رمضان شهر الرحمة و الغفران ، يأتي هذا الشهر حاملاً معه مشاعر الرحمة و الطمأنينة حمل تطبيق ادعية رمضان واستمع الي افضل الادعيه الرمضانيه
رمضان هو الشهر الكريم الفضيل وهو في الشهر التاسع هجري يتميز بأنه شهر مميز جدا عند المؤمنين عن باقي الاشهر الهجرية فهو شهر الصوم , الزكاة , و العبادة . في هذا الشهر يتقرب الانسان من ربه في أعمال الصلاة وقيام الليل وتلاوة القران الكريم . ادعية شهر رمضان :
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Ramadan is the holy month of Ramadan which is in the ninth month of Hegira is characterized as a very special month when believers from the rest of the Hijri months is the month of fasting, Zakat, and worship. This month, the human closer to the Lord in prayer and acts of the night and reading the Koran. Duas month of Ramadan:
Month of Ramadan, which was revealed the Qur'an, the month of Ramadan in Egypt, Ramadan 2016, the month of Ramadan for children, the month of Ramadan Zaman, the month of Ramadan, which was revealed the Quran Abdul Basit, the month of Ramadan, the month of Ramadan, the month of Ramadan cartons, the month of Ramadan in Turkey, Ramadan Ya month of fasting, Ramadan is the month of mercy and forgiveness, the month of Ramadan, Tiggo fast month of Ramadan, we commend the month of Ramadan, the month of Ramadan we fast Taiji Tamer Hosni, preferred month of Ramadan, the month of Ramadan when the Algerians, song