Home7 for Android
When playing recordings the footage doesn't play what I select, say if I select 14:00 it reverts to 15:00 and plays that instead, an app update would be wonderful!!! I only use it to format my hard drive and check battery level of my device.
To developers. Trying to register an account ... What does "error 99993" mean?
It doesn't work
After last update recording is not working. Do anyone know what is piolate light?
English translation in the software is unprofessional, you don't say the wifi connection 'sucks' if it's bad, poor choice of words in software.
After last update recording is not working. Do anyone know what is piolate light?
I cant get in the program
Wouldn't let me in and it doesn't show the capcha image. Not to mention the app's translation, which is clote to impossible to understand. The worst ip cam app!!!
stuck at 98% or at best picture freezes when on 3G or 4G - Only works when on the same network
After last update recording is not working. Do anyone know what is piolate light?
Update the app not compatible with latest software update on andriod(5.1.1) samsung s6 and lg g4
English translation in the software is unprofessional, you don't say the wifi connection 'sucks' if it's bad, poor choice of words in software.
The push audio does not function. As soon as push audio is used, the incomming adio terminates. English is extreamly bad!!!
Camera ia going back
by L####:
On android, you need to connect to the camera's wi-fi network and then tell the phone to use the connection even though there is no internet. If you don't do that step out won't connect to the camera. Translations not great