About New Pro Guide For Pokemon GO
Finally, very good news to all fans of the Pokemon Go! a new pro guide for the expected gameis now available for free!
This Pokemon Go appcontainstips for thisgame, dedicated to all categories of players, This Pokemon Go Guide will help youunderstand how to play the Pokemon Go app on Android.
Footbridge, Pokemon go guides, Guides, tips and advice.
You willfindmanyusefulelements on how to collect rare pokemonlikecharmander, pikachu, charizard, mewtwo and otherpokemon go game figurines.
Tips and tricks: find the nearestpokemon, find the rare pokemon (likecharizard, abra, voltorb), catch the wildcharizard, fight, guide pokemonevolve, including how to evolvecharmander to charizard, pikachuevolve.
The Pokémon are everywhere, and it's up to you to findthem. Whenyouwalkaroundyourneighborhood, your smartphone vibrates as soon as a Pokémon is close. Aim and launch a Poké Ball ... but stayalert or itmightwell escape!
Weperformed the latestpokemon guide application. Wehopethatwiththis application youwillbeeasier to catch Pokémon and become a formidable trainer in pokemongames
This guide givesyou basic tips on how to play: catch pokemon, pokemon go guide for battle, training, pikachuevolve, trade, teamwork in pokrmongames
1) The Pokemon Go Game Guide is a non-OFFICIAL version and isneitherendorsednoraffiliatedwith the creator of thisgame or itslicenses.
2) All characters, theirnames, places and other aspects of the videodescribed in this application are deposited by their respective owners.
3) This Pokemon Go gameis in compliancewith US copyright rules for fairdealing.