手機逛週年慶 for Android
1. 特惠查詢:可用品牌、關鍵字、以及百貨獨家特惠組 3種查詢方式找到美妝特惠組。並幫你找出「物美價實惠」特惠組,讓你買得更聰明!
2. 我的最愛:看到好心動的特惠組非買到不可?先加入我的最愛準備前往百貨公司搶購啦!
3. 【美妝特惠】訊息通知:DM上看得到或看不到的特惠情報,傳訊息提醒你。
4. 品牌滿額禮:買越多送越多!各品牌滿額贈品一網打盡不漏接~
5. 檔期一覽:全省百貨公司週年慶檔期全都露,絕不讓你錯過任何一檔好康!
※ 「手機逛週年慶」是由UrCosme委託三竹資訊開發,並共同蒐集、利用使用者相關資訊。
"Mobile phone shopping anniversary" app description:
1. preferential query: Available brand, keywords, as well as an exclusive department store group, three kinds of queries preferential way to find Beauty Gift Set. And help you find the "reasonable price affordable" Gift Set, so you buy smarter!
2. My favorite: see a good group of non-preferential heart can not buy? Add to my favorites ready to go to a department store buying it!
3. Beauty [Special] message notification: DM get or do not see the point of view of the preferential information, pass messages to remind you.
4. Brand FULL ceremony: Buy more to send more! The brand does not bobble ~ FULL caught gifts
5. schedule at a glance: the schedule of all the province's department store anniversary dew, and never let you miss any one file goodies!
※ "phone shopping anniversary" is commissioned by UrCosme three bamboo IT development, and jointly collect, use of user-related information.
by R####:
一直當 非常不穩定 但內容其實不錯