About Dj Mirko Flower
Applicazione ufficiale del Dj Mirko Flower
Immediatamente intuitiva la sua passione per la musica ereditata dal padre, Mirko Fiore (in arte MIRKO FLOWER) diventa in breve tempo uno dei dj/producer più apprezzati della scena musicale milanese. Dal nuovo millennio fino ad oggi, resident della maggior parte dei locali milanesi, Mirko offre ed intrattiene con musica House collaborando, infine, in diversi luoghi italiani e all'estero (IBIZA). Special Guest in diverse location Italiane e resident ai Magazzini Generali di Milano. Scarica la sua Applicazione e seguilo nei locali in giro per il mondo
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-Foto & Video Gallery: sfoglia, guarda e condividi le tue immagini e i tuoi video sulle tue pagine social
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-Preferiti: Crea la lista delle tua news, i tuoi eventi e video preferiti.
Powered by Make It App - www.make-it-app.com Official application of Dj Mirko Flower
Immediately intuitive his passion for music inherited from his father, Mirko Flower (aka MIRKO FLOWER) soon became one of the dj / producer of the most popular music scene in Milan. From the new millennium to date, resident of most of the clubs in Milan, Mirko offers and entertains with House music collaborating Finally, in different places and Italians abroad (IBIZA). Special Guest at different locations and Italian resident at Magazzini Generali in Milan. Download your Application and follow it in the clubs around the world
-News: all updates and important notices regarding
-Events: keep updated on all events and located the location with the geolocation, prejudice to the event into your calendar of the iphone or share looks on your Facebook page and Twitter
-Photo & Video Gallery: browse, watch and share your images and videos on your social pages
Gallery-Video: watch videos without leaving from the app and share them on your social pages
-Location: discover all the locations and keep up to date on new openings; consult it for addresses, maps and courses that take place in the structure, discover how to get there with the geolocation
-Favorites: Create a list of your news, events and your favorite videos.
Powered by Make It App - www.make-it-app.com