Accelerometer (g-force meter) for Android
Motorola G xt
Wow, thanks works great! Just what i was looking for.
Nice app
I use it so I can see the G s I created on the trampoline
I especially loved to tape my phone to the ceiling fan and measure the centripetal acceleration.
برنامه هایی که در خصوص با سنسور ها گذاشتید حقیقتش هیچ کدوم بدردمن نخورد چون مشکل من کالیبره کردنه برنامه شما فقط برای تست سنسور هستش..به هر حال ممنونم
Motorola G xt
This app is pretty cool and accurate
This app is pretty cool and accurate
by S####:
Simple and working, perfect.