About 安価
安価超市價格信息平台“是一個正式的,目前最廣泛的數據庫,為消費者提供超過10,000 種的產品超過4家超市的零售價格。
安価網上格價平台,為了促進香港網上購物的發展,設計了網上購物轉介計劃,以中介角 色,將顧客(網民)轉介給商戶,增加網上購物的成交量,帶給商戶更多商機;為顧客向 商戶爭取折扣優惠之餘,同時如在買賣時發生爭拗,協助調停及仲裁,提高顧客的信心。 期望創造出 "商戶有生意"、"顧客有信心" 及 "網上購物的健康發展" 的三贏局面。 Ann Price supermarket price information platform "is a formal, currently the most extensive database, providing consumers with more than 10,000 kinds of products over four supermarket retail prices.
Ann Price Internet Price platform, in order to promote the development of Hong Kong's online shopping, online shopping is designed referral programs to intermediary role, the customers (users) referred to the merchant, increased volume of online shopping, to bring businesses more business opportunities; fight for the customer to the merchant discount apart, while such disputes arise when dealing assist mediation and arbitration, enhance customer confidence. Expected to create a "merchant who had business", "customer confidence" and "healthy development of online shopping," the win-win situation.