明報新聞 for Android
Doesn't work on my phone. Always error
Cannot update daily on 每日明報. Need restart phone.
None of the photos or videos load.
Quite easy to quit due to error
呢個乜叉apps來的? 成日都話出錯要重啟……關掉了notification還不斷在主屏幕彈pop up,非常討厭
Most of the time the app crashes before I can even finish reading one article.
It just keeps showing error message
你要有坚強的忍耐才去不斷接受: 出錯,關閉或重啟。出錯,關閉或重啟。.......
Keep popping up errors
不斷重啟when scrolling
Rubbish! Don't waste time on it!
以url連接app經常fail, 只停左首頁
介面沒有明報獨特的紅色,反而是綠色, 用起來總有怪感覺,沒有親切感
之前好地地,近排廣告多到煩,即刻del app
雖然這是免費app,但也希望你們能力求改進,提供更優質的閱讀體驗。 這裡的reviewers也說出了我認為的問題,現再清晰列明: - 轉換版面時廣告彈出 遮蓋整個畫面 關掉廣告的按鈕又極細 不時入了廣告商的網頁 十分煩人 - 按入News notifications後沒有進入相關新聞 - Scroll down嘗試更新但失敗 明白傳媒工作很辛苦 但堅守崗位的你們也想香港人閱讀有質素的新聞 而非只看只求hit rate 沒有內涵non-journalistic的資訊 真希望你們能改進 謝謝!
A mess in apps order of Share menu. Huge annoying bottom ad
This app really needs a revamp, every time I click on a related news it displays error message. Way too many bugs
Crashes every time when clicking on link to next article. Low standard app. Mingpao have you tested the app before you release it to the public??
This app is not functioning. Every time I want to scroll down for details, there is an error, and asks me to re load. Very disappointrd. Apps uninstalled.
errors occur every single time when I press any buttons in the page led by the push notification. and this problem lasts more than months, remains unsolved. You may consider employing a tester and do an acceptance test before releasing an update
Content now no longer can be copied, and the share function always gives a link that doesn't work. One of the worst news app in HK, what a waste for the good content.
Can you use the saved salary by firing some people to improve this awful app?
No way to read and have to restart
2016年 4月20日 半夜 12:30am 用令人發笑 理由(實則要阻止報導BVI 公司的 香港權貴)。抄 總編,明報己向 黨報 方向 發展。 不看也把,明報一路好走
關掉了notification還不斷在主屏幕彈pop up,非常討厭
很喜歡明報的新聞,有時crash 得好密,根本冇辦法完整睇完一則新聞。有時又冇問題,但如果按實畫面,highlight文字時一定crash。 切換新聞的速度非常好,如果冇 crash係個好好嘅app. Nexus 5, Android 6.0.1
更新後此App不斷彈出pop up。經過多番嘗試仍不能阻止,真的十分麻煩。讀了明報二十多年,想不到有uninstall此App的一天,真諷刺!
Its reasonable to hv ads bt there a way too many of them and they pop out in an inappropriate time which leads me always mistakenly click them and thus disturbing the reading process plz fix it
by G####: