About 微媞時尚診所
About V-beauty
微媞時尚診所,Very Beauty。
有話常說,認真的人最美麗,但光是充實內在是不夠的。微媞時尚診所要給你專業的技術、建議及資訊,讓你不只是相由心生的美麗,而是從外在的呵護,進而讓你擁有無比的自信及歡愉!不管是從裡到外,或是從外到內都Very Beauty!
進入診所,從裡到外的擺設裝潢,粉紅色的配置,暖黃色光線,溫暖且安心。明亮的落地,可將忠孝東路的繁華街景,盡收眼底,鬧中取靜。候診區特別設置腳部按摩設備,舒緩一切的緊繃壓力。著重於小細節的貼心舒適,讓您有「家」的感覺。 About V-beauty
Micro Ti Fashion Clinic, Very Beauty.
There are words often said that the most beautiful serious person, but it is not enough just to enrich the inner. Micro Ti Fashion clinics give you professional skills, advice and information so that you do not just phase from the heart of the beautiful, but from the outside care, and then let you have tremendous self-confidence and joy! Whether it is from the inside outside, or from outside to inside are Very Beauty!
"Amy" is no longer just exclusively female adjectives, micro Wendy is also concerned about the beauty of all men!
Micro Ti Fashion Clinic has a professional group of doctors, consultants and beauticians. According to customers' needs first by physicians diagnosed by experienced consultants and sincere treatment tailored fit, beauticians and nurses bring warm and comfortable experience. Micro Ti is like a big family, you really become a beautiful patron.
Into the clinic, from the inside to the outside furnishings decor, pink configuration, warm yellow light, warm and reassuring. Bright landing can be bustling Zhongxiao East Road streetscape, panoramic view, quiet. Waiting area specially set foot massage device, relieve all the tension stress. Focus on small details intimate and comfortable, so you have "home" feeling.