About mySir
MySIR is a Web App created in collaboration with CONAI , to meet the growing demands of citizens on how the collection of sorted adopted by their municipality and the other to allow the municipal government to provide detailed information on how the collection of sorted: the schedule of contributions with time and manner, the dictionary of the collection, the system of reporting photos, book collecting bulky, the colors of separated waste and their "QrCode".
An innovative feature is definitely that of " Label for the Citizen " . This allows you to get to know the company that make a proper use of the nomenclature of packaging recycling . The Citizen in this way will have no problems whatsoever to identify the destination .
Citizens who wish to go to their "Waste Sorting Centres" in the municipality of belonging will also have the opportunity to take advantage of certain features, which will allow him to give safely and quickly, avoiding unnecessary waiting times.
By accessing MySIR, anyone can choose the Municipality of interest through the GPS interface or manually in order to seek the refusal to throw, consulting a dictionary of over 600 entries (searchable with the system auto-completion) that provides guidance on how to give a particular material.
The App of the collection of separated waste was also conducted to make the citizens of "sentinels environmental" reporting anomalies and / or inappropriate behavior through the use of the system for reporting georeferenced photos.
MySIR finally establishes a direct channel of communication between citizens and municipality because it is equipped with an internal messaging system.