About APHzip
Android App for Compression of Acyclic Phase Type Distributions.
APHzip is an app to generate, manipulate and compress continuous probability distributions. It provides three stochastic operations: convolution, maximum, and minimum, with simple exponential and Erlang distributions as building blocks. By means of the Cox operator it can span the whole universe of acyclic phase type distrbutions. APHzip provides an algorithm that compresses any given acyclic phase-type representation to its minimal representation almost surely. Android App for Compression of Acyclic Phase Type Distributions.
APHzip is an app to generate, manipulate and compress continuous probability distributions. It provides three stochastic operations: convolution, maximum, and minimum, with simple exponential and Erlang distributions as building blocks. By Means of the Cox operator it can span the whole universe of acyclic phase type distrbutions. APHzip Provides on algorithm compresses did any givenName acyclic phase-type representation to its minimal representation almost surely.