About Kocjančič
Kdor prisega na gibanje v naravi in aktiven dopust, mu Kozjansko na svojih sprehajalnih in kolesarskih poteh nudi bogastvo narave z bodikami in lipami, z livadami in gozdovi ter mnogimi živalskimi vrstami, ki jih je drugje težje srečati. Lahko pa se enostavno podate po brvi čez mejo in se sprehodite po sosednji Hrvaški .
Zabavno kopanje si lahko privoščite v vodnem parku Aqualuna , kjer si telo napolnite z adrenalinom ali pa se le osvežite.
Dopust v naših krajih vas bo zagotovo sprostil in napolnil z novo energijo, skratka, tu res ni noben dan v letu izgubljen. Whoever swears by the movement of nature and active holiday, a Kozjansko on their walking and cycling trails offers a wealth of nature with holly and lime trees, the meadows and forests and many species of which are difficult to meet elsewhere. Or you can simply specify the footbridge across the border and take a walk through the neighboring Croatia.
Funny swimming you can enjoy the water park Aqualuna, where you fill the body with adrenaline or just refresh.
A holiday in our region will surely relax and filled with new energy, in short, there really is not any day of the year lost.