Météociel for Android
No ads, forecast usually quite accurate (and I'm in a very difficult region for that). It's been my weather forecast app of quite some time now, love it! Only little flaw is the inability to select another language than the one on the phone : I happen to be French, but I prefer to set my phone in English. Being able to have the app in French would be nice though, but it seems there is no way.
Accès facile à tous les modèles météo.
Assez precis, de bonnes predictions
Provides fairly accurate and very local forecasts as well as the big picture.
Great app!! Keep going!
Excellent app !!!
Accurate forcasts.
Overall the app is very detailed and it's very useful to look at ensembles etc. for weather info for the upcoming days ahead. It's great that they provide weather info and charts for other countries as well. One thing I'd love is to change the language. I don't speak French, so an English language option would be nice.
Selon météo ciel, dans ma petite ville le soleil brille. Par contre, si je regard dehors, il pleut ! De plus, selon à carte de la France de météo ciel, mon département est au centre d'une région de pluie.
Comprehensive info hidden away in submenus. Would be even better if fave or most used parts of the info could be dragged and dropped onto personal home screen.
Je regrette d'avoir installé la mise à jour. Ergonomie douteuse, fonctionnement abscons. Ma vieille version était basique mais bien plus efficace...
Il ne manque que des explications sur certains indicateurs, j'imagine que les amateurs et spécialistes comprennent. Sinon très bien !
Phénomenal. Il y a tout, très clair, très pratique, pas de pub, le bonheur absolu.
Best weather app for France. Without a doubt!
Does the job but could have a better interface
All the models in one place! Magnificent.
It's fine
Used to be my favourite app for looking at the main weather model raw output but now crashes every time I try and display model data.
J'apprecie beaucoup cette appli que je trouve rapide, intuitive et complete. Je l'utilise quasi quotidiennement. Bravo et en plus le developpeur est benevole !
Great and precise. Use it EVERY single day.
Accurate, clear flexible and helpful. I only wish you could exit it with the standard Android double return tap.
Du bon boulot
Very good application, with some informations.
Tons of bugs, server connection unavailable for 30 minutes every time phone disconnects and reconnects to WiFi or other network and no option to change app language (forced English if OS is in English), no more forecast comments on the widget, etc. Needs a lot of work.
Très bonne appli...bonne idée de faire la traduction en anglais, mais il y a pas mal d'erreurs...si vous avez besoin d'aide contactez moi sur kuiperspieter[at]gmail[dot]com
Franchement nul, ne donne des prévisions météo que pour Paris. La bonne blague.
Appli fonctionnelle et très complète. Me convient parfaitemenent
Du bon boulot
More bugs than a tramp's vest, but still indispensable for mobile weather model viewing.
Simpli Ze best meteo app !!
Accurate forecast and easy to use app
Very precise weather forecast, especially regarding rainfalls, even though it seems to underestimate the intensity of it.
Could you please add an English language version. Thanks.
Généralement correct
Dommage que ça ne soit pas aussi.lisible que la version html (j y adore le grand tableau central, très explicite). Toutefois meteociel est vraiment d un grand intérêt.
Tout est génial mis à part la fonctionnalité Modèles favoris qui ne marche pas sur mon application.
Very nice & useful & credible
Could you please add an English language version. Thanks.
by Q####:
Reliable forecast. Liked the rainfall chart. Visual illustration could be improved but it doesn't affect the precision of the forecast