About Kumpulan Surat Pendek Al Quran
Surat-surat pendek dalam al-qur'an biasanya sering digunakan saat menjalankan ibadah sholat sunnah maupun sholat wajib lima waktu. Bahkan kebanyakan imam di Indonesia sering menggunakan surat-surat pendek dalam sholatnya.
Bicara tentang anak-anak, bagi anda yang sedang mengajarkan anak anda untuk menghafal surat-surat pendek, atau bagi anda sendiri yang sedang mempelajari dan menghafal surat pendek, berikut ini kami akan memberikan kumpulan surat-surat pendek
Catatan: Jika hanya untuk membaca lirik tidak diperlukan koneksi internet. Jika ingin membaca lirik sambil memainkan lagu harus memiliki koneksi internet yang lumayan cepat (minimal 3G, Wifi disarankan). Seluruh media/gambar/lagu adalah hak cipta dari pemegang hak cipta.
Kami hanya pengembang, isi file dari aplikasi ini sepenuhnya milik para muslim yang memang banyak tersedia di internet.
Semua konten di adalah gratis, tanpa biaya, survey atau penipuan.
Didalam apps ini terdapat iklan, supaya apps kami tetap berjalan dan gratis. Support apps kami dengan memberikan waktu sejenak untuk melihat iklan yang ditampilkan.
We provide you totally free content for you, no sign-up, no surveys, no register fee.
Yes, we do show ads in your apps, please support our app to keep free and running by just pressing the back button when ads being served to.
All the videos included in the app are public. We don't allow to download any content. Short letters in the Qur'an is often used when conducting worship or sunnah prayers obligatory prayers five times a day. Even most priests in Indonesia often use short letters in prayer.
Talk about the kids, for those of you who are teaching your child to memorize short letters, or for yourself who is studying and memorizing short letter, the following we will give you a collection of short letters
Note: If only to read the lyrics do not need an internet connection. If you want to read the lyrics while playing a song should have a fairly fast Internet connection (at least 3G, Wifi recommended). All media / picture / songs are copyright of the copyright holder.
We just developers, the contents of the application file is fully owned by the Muslims who are widely available on the internet.
All of the content is free, no charge, survey or fraud.
In these apps have ads, so we kept running apps and free. Support our apps to give you a moment to look at the ads that are displayed.
We provide you totally free content for you, no sign-up, no surveys, no fee registers.
Yes, we do show ads in your apps, please support our app to keep free and running by just pressing the back button when ads being served to.
All the videos included in the app are public. We do not allow to download any content.