About Kisah Teladan dalam Islam
Terdapatlah seorang pengemis Yahudi buta yang setiap hari menempati salah satu sudut pasar di Kota Madinah. Bukan cuma mengemis, Ia juga berseru kepada orang-orang yang berlalu-lalang di pasar tersebut, “Jangan dekati Muhammad! Jauhi dia! Jauhi dia! Dia orang gila. Dia itu penyihir. Jika kalian mendekatinya maka kalian akan terpengaruh olehnya.”
Teriakannya yang keras tak terlewatkan oleh seorang pun yang berjalan di dekatnya. Setiap kali ada yang terdengar langkah kaki orang melewatinya, pengemis buta itu selalu mengumpat Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, dan mengatakan Muhammad adalah tukang sihir, orang gila dan sebagainya.
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All the videos included in the app are public. We don't allow to download any content. There exists a blind Jewish beggar who every day occupies one corner of the market in the city of Medina. Not just begging, He cried out to people passing by in those markets, "Do not come near Muhammad! Stay away from him! Stay away from him! He's a madman. She is a witch. If you approach it then you will be affected by it. "
Loud cries not be missed by anyone who walked nearby. Whenever there is heard footsteps pass, the blind beggar was always cursing the Prophet Muhammad, and say Muhammad was a sorcerer, a madman, and so on.
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We provide you totally free content for you, no sign-up, no surveys, no fee registers.
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All the videos included in the app are public. We do not allow to download any content.