About Kicau burung Pleci Master
Burung Pleci / Zosterops merupakan termasuk kedalam marga penciri burung kacamata, dan memiliki jumlah anggota terbesar. Daerah persebarannya adalah di wilayah tropika Afrika, Asia (Indomalaya), dan Australia bagian utara. Burung ini termasuk burung yang imut di kalangan kicau mania. Panjang tubuhnya saja (dari ujung paruh hingga ujung ekor) hanya berkisar antara 8–15cm. Ciri yang paling khas dan mudah untuk membedakannya adalah adanya lingkaran (garis) putih yang mengelilingi mata, meskipun ada beberapa jenisnya yang tidak memilikinya. Nama marganya berasal dari kata Yunani zosterops, yang berarti ”sabuk mata”.
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All the videos included in the app are public. We don't allow to download any content. Bird Pleci / Zosterops is included into the genus of bird identifier glasses, and has the largest number of members. Spreading area is in tropical regions of Africa, Asia (Indomalaya), and northern Australia. These birds including cute birds chirping among the mania. The length of the body alone (from tip of beak to tip of tail) only between 8-15cm. The most distinctive characteristic and easy to distinguish is the circle (line) and white that surrounds the eye, although there are some species that do not have it. Family name is derived from the Greek word Zosterops, which means "belt eye".
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