Tanda Menjelang Kematian for Android
Adapun riwayat-riwayat ini memperlihatkan kepada kita sesungguhnya Allah SWT tidak pernah berlaku zalim kepada hambanya. Tanda-tanda yang diberikan adalah untuk menjadikan kita umat Islam supaya dapat bertobat dan selalu siap dalam perjalanan menghadap Allah SWT. Walau bagaimanapun, semua tanda-tanda ini akan berlaku kepada orang-orang Islam saja, sedangkan orang-orang kafir yaitu orang yang menyekutukan Allah, nyawa mereka ini akan dicabut tanpa peringatan sesuai dengan kekufuran mereka kepada Allah SWT.
Signs of death according to scholars is true and real, just deeds and piety, we are going to be able to differentiate our sensitivity to these signs. Prophet narrated, was capable showed him and tell their family and friends will directly hardships faced death's door from the beginning to the end of life the King. Imam Ghazali rahimahullah narrated memperolehi these signs so that he could prepare him to face sakaratulmaut alone. He presents himself with all preparations including bath, as well as his winding wuduk, only when it comes to the body portion and the head alone he had called his brother Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal to connect the task. He died when Imam Ahmad willing to mengkafankan Courant face.As these narrations show us Allah Almighty never apply unjust to the servants. Signs are given is to make us Muslims in order to repent and always ready on the way to God Almighty. However, all these signs shall apply to Muslims only, while unbelievers are those who ascribed partners to Allah, their lives will be revoked without warning in accordance with their kufr to Allah SWT.