Mantra Memanggil Setan for Android
“ ...dan sesungguhnya kami dahulu dapat menduduki beberapa tempat di langit itu untuk mendengar-dengarkan (berita-beritanya). Tetapi sekarang[1] barangsiapa yang (mencoba) mendengar-dengarkan (seperti itu) tentu akan menjumpai panah api yang mengintai (untuk membakarnya) (Al-Jin 9:72)
Jin (Arabic: ?? Janna) literally means something that connotes a "hidden" or "invisible". Jin previously said to occupy several places in the sky and listen to the news of God, after the coming of a prophet named Muhammad then they are no longer able to hear it because there are rows secrecy."... And in fact we were able to occupy several places in the sky to listen (the news). But now [1] he who (try to) listen (like it) will find a flaming fire watching him (to burn) (Al-Jin 9:72)