Al'Quran Bahasa Indonesia PRO for Android
Please remove the drag scroll (right side of screen) its annoying...when reading its accidentally pushed and jump to the bottom of the screen...
Alhamdulillah this Alquran Pro is very usefull for me for daily reading. Already include with English translation which help me understand the meaning behind it.
Contoh pada surat al kahf ayat 88 pada kalimat jazaa a nil (nun kasroh yg kecil tidak ada) husna. Dan ada juga pada surat yg lain
Bisa tambahkan bab, semisal tentang zakat bisa ditemukan di ayat berapa, akhlak di ayat berapa, shalat di ayat berapa. Syukran. Barakumullah katsiran
Saat menscroll di suatu surat sering lompat ke ayat yg lain,mohon disempurnakan lagi agar tidak mengganggu saat khusuk mengaji.
Perbedaan tidak banyak dengan versi gratis, iklannya pun masih ada. Apabila berkenan, mohon dihilangkan iklannya untuk full version.
please check QS 75:32
surat Al Balad ayat 17, tolong terjemahan nya diperbaiki. Mohon saudara2 muslim lihat dan buka referensi lain. 8/feb/2017
Padahal sudah beli software ini (pro), mohon penjelasannya. Jazakallah....
Very useful to read the Quran, anytime, anyplace. However, would be better if it has tajweed mark with different colors.
Mohon untuk pengertian sembahyang disesuaikan dengan sholat
Usul: ada notifikasi adzan sebagai penanda waktu sholat
Scroll nya cukup mengganggu
Membantu sekali ketika bepergian
Mudahan Berkah,
Al quran pro teach me the tajweed
Sangat bermanfaat
Great App
Good app
Alhamdulillh very useful app...please add feature to repeat that we have time to read the translation..and please add some options for the Quran reader. Thankyou and wassalam
Jazakallah khairan katsiran. Klo boleh fiture geser kanan kiri utk pindah surat dihilangkan saja krn sering mengganggu saat ingin naik turunkan ayat saat sedang baca.
Assalammualaykum, Alhamdulillah, syukron .. i would suggest new features for Tadarus schedule, per juz divided into several ayah, so it can plan and easier to read after 5 times sholat in a day, one juz one day, 30 juz for 30day. Waalaykumussalam..
Sangat memuaskan dan merekomendasikan utk pemula dari yg belum bisa melagukan ayat Quran menjadi bisa..... dg nada yg lumayan bagus
Fitur sliding samping untuk pindah surat sangat mengganggu, sering terjadi perpindahan surat yg tidak diinginkan, saat membaca. Akan lebih baik jika ada pilihan background hitam text putih agar mata tidak mudah lelah saat membaca... Terima kasih....
Sangat membantu sekali. Dapatkah jumlah karakter untuk catatan pada setiap ayat ditambahkan jumlahnya agar dapat menambahkan catatan lebih panjang... Misalnya utk dikaitkan dgn tafsir beberapa mufasir...
I think the app is too sensitive sometimes when i tap and drag down to read the next aya it jumps to next sura. Pleas fix this, or add sensitivity configuration in the app. Barakallah
I wish my search of ayah included my added footnote of verse(ayah). This is very important.. I add note on verse to classified the contents, example I add fave1 or fave2 to mark my favorite verse, BUT its too bad I can't find it via search feature. And bookmarks didn't help I have tons of bookmarks, and I'm overwhelmed by that. The footnotes are keys to differentiate group of verse if only it included in search results.
Mostly it has a great feature. But then there are some misspelling in some part of the translation of chapter and verses. Hope the developer could fix it.
Scroll nya terlalu sensitif, suka pindah ke lain halaman pada saat scroll down.. sangat mengganggu
Please add a feature to : set the audio to save in the sd card, jump to the particular juz.. thank
sugestion, need additional option for removing the translation, and separate font size control between arabic and translation.
Very good application. Please add some information about juz and option to hide the translation.
Alhamdulillah, now I can recite Qur'an whenever I want
This application is very usefull and helpfull for everybody who want to read and learn Al Qur'an. I think it is will be better if in the beginning of recitation of surah, starting with bismillahirrahmaanirrahim, like in the text.
Just disable "Sensitive swipe" in "Settings" to reduce unexpectedly jump to the next/previous surah when scrolling
I like this PRO version, i wish it have more theme's and easy to capture of arabic letter.
by Y####:
Betul min hilangkan drag/geser kanan kiri pas di surat2nya, saat ini sering loncat2 surat kalau lagi membaca ayat2, so mendingan diback aja kalau mau pindah surat