About Amel
Magazin online al fabricii de termostupi AMEL INDUSTRY. Misiunea AMEL o reprezinta sprijinirea apicultorilor si asigurarea conditiilor propice pentru protejarea si
dezvoltarea familiilor de albine in conditiile climei actuale, din ce in ce mai putin predictibile. Termostupii Amel sunt produsi din materiale compozite oferind astfel o greutate mult mai mica decat a stupilor traditionali.Amel se adreseaza atat specialistilor din Romania cat si celor din strainatate oferind un termostup cu performante termice greu de egalat. Shop the factory termostupi AMEL INDUSTRY. AMEL's mission is to support beekeepers and ensure a conducive conditions for protecting and
development of bee families in current climatic conditions, becoming less predictable. Amel Termostupii are produced from composite materials thus providing a much lower weight than traditionali.Amel hives addresses both specialists in Romania and abroad offering the termostup with unrivaled thermal performance.