About Market Friends
Con Market Friends en donde podés publicar cosas que ya no usas, chatear o conectarte con tus amigos para intercambiar, vender o simplemente ver si tus amigos ofrecen algo que estabas buscando. También existe una solapa en donde están las personas con los productos que desean ofrecer como públicos, se cuenta con el mail el telefono y un chat para poder comunicarse entre personas. With Friends Market where you can post things you no longer use, chat with friends or connect to exchange, sell or just see if friends offer something that you like. There is also a flap where people with the products they want to offer as public are, it has to mail the phone and chat to communicate with people.
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Market Friends version 1.4 on your
Android device!
APK Size: 3.3 MB, downloaded 10+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
com.marketfriends.indie, download Market Friends.apk